Sunday, 15 April 2007

Early Pregnancy NCT Class

On Thursday my friend and I went to the NCT Early Pregnancy class in North Holmwood, near Dorking, Surrey.

It was typical that my husband couldn't make the class, he had a meeting with a client that evening that had been arranged for ages. This resulted in me taking my already very baby knowledgeable best friend along. She was worried that the group may think we were gay so happily announced upon arrival that we weren't... and added 'not that there is a problem in being gay' ... lol.

The one off evening class was attended by four other pregnant ladies and was hosted by a very friendly NCT lady named Christine. It began with us all picking three topics from the written list displayed. The list contained: Pregnancy Gripes, Paternity & Maternity Leave and Where To Have Your Baby. I can't remember all the subjects on this list but I was primarily interested in 'Where To Have Your Baby'. Unfortunately this was not one of the shortlisted subjects but it was touched on at the end of the evening.

The class was really useful. Not only did I enjoy meeting up with other mums-to-be but the information given was really useful. The best thing for me was being able to easily talk up about individual experiences and issues. I know I can talk to the mid-wife about anything but I always seem to forget what I want to ask her or just feel like there isn't enough time to ask. Apparently this isn't the case with every ones mid-wifes.

The NCT group also had a library facility which I thought was mighty handy! The books I currently have are all pregnancy books and as the time to drop is approaching fast (nice terminology that - my mum complains every time I say it!) I am increasingly interested in baby info so borrowed one more specific to caring for your new born in the first three months.

One of the most interesting parts of the evening for me was when we touched on where to have your baby. I expressed my interest in having Bob in a birthing pool at East Surrey Hospital but was informed that there was only one and the likelihood of it being available to use being very very slim. This is apparently due to a) availability and b) the small chance of having a mid-wife that is trained to use it! I haven't done my tour of East Surrey Hospital yet but will be asking questions about this as I may opt for changing the place of birth to Guildford or a birthing centre such as Crowborough...

The evening cost £12.50 and was well worth it. Next is my Antenatal Classes which start on May 2nd - the day before the 28th birthday. Thank God it wasn't on my birthday as that isn't my idea of a birthday evening to remember!


Anonymous said...

Ok - so I found the class really interesting as well! Having not read up latest information about being pregnant (since I'm not!), I was totally fascinated, by the way the body changes/adapts to accommodate the growing baby... I am not surprised you get heart burn in pregnancy, looking at the pics!

The group was really friendly and I felt comfortable to ask silly questions (e.g. why not to wear an underwired bra!) - Remember – when you are in labour, you just have to ask the midwife to undo your screws – like they did in the NCT class!

Happy to come along to any future sessions, (if Matt cannot make it!)- but I'll definitely give the birthing session a miss.... Too much information! (lol)

Rynaldo said...
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