Yesterday Matt and I visited his Dad and Step Mum's new born child at Worthing hospital.
Little T (as I will call him) was born on Thursday 5th of April at 10.30AM through cesarean section and is gorgeous. I was strangely anxious about seeing him for various reasons. Firstly as I didn't want to hear his mother's story of the childbirth, and also because Matt and I were going to have a glimpse of the very near future... and if we didn't like what we saw... well, tough sh*t!
Thankfully 'mum' didn't go into too much detail about the birth, she also commented that she would easily 'do it again'! Couldn't of been that bad then I say! I mean - there are already experiences in my life that I would quite happily say I wouldn't do again. For instance - chili sauce on a kebab, therefore I equate that childbirth is fine. Lol, watch this space!
It was strange being in a hospital with new borns all around me. As I watched Matt's step mum in bed with cards, presents and baby nestled around her I visualised myself in her position (I have never been in a hospital bed before, nor had any kind of operation). Would I be happy with everyone holding Bob? Will I be sitting there with a scar across my belly like mum? Will it be Bob or Bobbi!?
Ultimately seeing little T and mummy was great - I am now able to visualise the maternity ward, the bed, where Bob is going too sleep for the first few days. Oh and my husband can hold a baby as you can see in the pic - so that's a bonus! Although he did seem more interested in the poster on the wall exclaiming 'breastfeeding drop in' sessions. He wanted to know if it was open to everyone...
1 comment:
Great,i have a baby 2008
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