Saturday, 31 March 2007

The Joys of Pregnancy

There has to be some, hasn't there? I read one pregnant woman's top 6 and they included 'pull-up jeans' and 'eating'... I would have to agree on both counts but here are my Top Ten Joys of Pregnancy:

1) FOOD, FOOD and more FOOD!
I love it, it tastes better than usual and I find it incredibly difficult to eat too much and can't get bloated. Result.

2) No 'time of the month'
No cramps, no PMT and no embarrassing trips to the work toilet mid-morning clutching your hand bag. I hate that - you may as well be wearing a sign saying 'I AM ON!'. What's worse is my office is a male dominated zone.

3) Your relationship blossoms (even more!)
Having only recently got married that alone is a great relationship bonding experience but then to be having a baby... well lets just say love can't get sweeter!

4) Not doing the cat litter
Poor husband, all poos and wees in the cat litter box have to be cleared by him. Shame.

5) Not putting the rubbish out
Poor husband, all heavy rubbish bags have to be taken out by him. Shame.

6) Knowing that you have created a miracle (and I thought we were just getting it on!)
Yeah I know its a bit sad but when/if you experience being pregnant you will know what I mean. This isn't evolution - it's a miracle!

7) Have I mentioned FOOD...?

8) No hangovers
Maybe I am scrapping the barrel a bit here as we all know having no hangovers is naturally the result of having no alcohol. Its still nice to be bright and breezy on a morning like today whilst my husband is recovering in bed after a few 'bullets' last night. Shame.

9) Every one is pleased to see you
It's a bit like being famous for ten months. Everyone wants to know how its all going and you are never without conversation.

10) Monkeys
I can't think of anymore so Monkeys is just random babbling to fill out this posting...


Anonymous said...

Surely no 10 has to be shopping - for all of the really cute little outfits for the baby when it arrives! - Happy to help with this if you need it!?!?!?!?

Suellen Peskett said...

Lol, I did buy a cute top for Bob today actually!