Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Sleepless Nights

The last two nights Bob has woken me (and my husband) up at 4.00am and practiced his/her kickboxing. Very impressive it is too... I just wish it didn't last until 7.30am.

Apparently at this point in a pregnancy baby is experiencing it's last throws of aerobics as soon there isn't enough room - also it can be moving into a head down position. Lets hope Bob has found his/her position AND STOPS WAKING ME UP AT 4.00AM!!! I don't think it helps I have had a bit of a cold and can't seem to breath properly. Joy.

I received an email from the PA to the MD last week asking me when I would work until. I intend to work until a month before I am due (so until the 3rd of June or thereabouts).
If my evenings continue to be as sleepless as the last two I am not sure I will keep to my plan. My husband has even taken to sleeping in the other room in an attempt to get some sleep. Wish I could too!

On a plus note, the nursery is starting to take form! Matt and I had an energetic weekend moving the whole house around. Now my dining room is a study come dinning room. It was that or move out to a bigger house. This appeared the easier option.

Right, time for bed. I may be up blogging around 4.00am ;-)

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