Wednesday 9 May 2007

First NCT Antenatal Class

Last Wednesday the 2nd of May saw the commencement of my Antenatal classes held in Holmbury, Surrey.

The class was pretty much how I expected it to be. There were 6 couples (all older than us, this is Surrey after all), all seated in a horse shoe shape in a ladies large front room. It was quite a strange experience in so much that here were a group of people you have NOTHING in common with except the fact you are all starting families and yet you are all meant to get on. Nothing different to starting a new job I suppose but there was something very uncomfortable about it... maybe it was just the pressure of having to make new friends. Everyone seemed very nice after all.

The first exercise was saying who you were, when your baby is due, where you plan to have it and what you call your 'bump'... an ice breaker I suppose. I am the earliest due - 2nd July but there was a baby also due on the 3rd July. Everyone else was due later on in the month. We then progressed on to what we want out of the course and then a quiz on the female pregnant body parts. Guys versus girls... it was a draw. Surprisingly...

As my third, 34 week scan approaches (in two weeks time) I am becoming anxious to find out whether I am having a natural birth or a C-section. Until then I keep thinking that me doing all my pelvic floor exercises (and even attentively listening to the NCT class info) is a waste of time. I do want a natural birth but knowing when your child is coming and what exactly to expect is also a bonus. It's just my sport I worry about... 10 weeks I have to wait after a cesarean you know. Only 6 weeks with a natural birth. Plus my figure... it will be tougher after a cesarean. Hey ho - what will be will be!

I am going to pack/buy my hospital bag contents today - again some of it depends on what kind of birth I have but good to be prepared. I laughed yesterday when my friend said she would of had hers packed in week 6!

'Bob' kicks A LOT now. I don't think 'kick' is actually the right terminology. Its more like moves. It's amazing and annoying all in the same breath. The movements almost wind me but there is no mistaking there is a little person wriggling around inside you. I try to imagine what he/she looks like. They have hair now and are fully developed... the next 8 weeks are all about putting fat on and strengthening the lungs. Weird to think even if they were born now they would be normal. But hey 'Bob' that's not an invitation to come early, stay right where you are please!


Anonymous said...


Maybe week 13 after the scan!

(don't get excited - got a wedding to plan first!)

Suellen Peskett said...

OK, 13 weeks then!

Anonymous said...

I've felt Bob kick! ....
It was in Pizza Express ....
Other diners probably thought we were mad BUT he/she is definitely going to play footie for England! (let me know if they need a manager!)