Friday, 18 May 2007

32 weeks, Packing My Hospital Bag

Last week my mum and I hit the town (with the attached list) to prepare my hospital bag. There are lots of sites that tell you to prepare your bag at completely different times. Some two weeks before some two months! I opted for the 32 weeks.

I compiled the list from various web sites found all over the place and the list given to me by the NCT class. It is a long list and I doubt you absolutely need it all but I like to be prepared! (Although the handheld mirror to see the crown of your baby being born I will give a miss... I would rather use the mirror to check my how my hair looks!)

If you can't be bothered to get all your individual bits and pieces for your bag then I would recommend Mothercare's ready-to-go Hospital Bag costing £49.99. When I looked at this (and stole its recommendations for content) I thought it was a bit pricey but after buying all the bits separately I spent well over a hundred! A little excessive maybe but I really wanted that giraffe blanket ;-) Additionally when you do buy separates you get more of everything...

My mum and I went all over the place for various bits and pieces. With each purchase a little more of my femininity was lost... nipple cream, HUGE knickers, maternity towels.... hmmmm... sexy lady! When I returned home and showed my husband my purchases its no surprise that he didn't get too excited!

Anyway, go to Q&S or Primark or somewhere cheap and cheerful for your knickers and dressing gowns. Also try Superdrug for your nappies, towels etc as its cheaper than Mothercare.

Hope someone finds this useful!


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