Tuesday 9 October 2007

Feedback on Pliko Pramette... so far!

I thought I should give a bit of feedback on my Mamas and Papas Pliko Pramette.

So far I have used the pram and the Primo Vaggio car seat. I feel that the car seat is a) too heavy b) too upright for my baby (i.e she pukes every time I put her in it) and c) does not adequately shelter her from the weather when I use it as an infant carrier. Additionally fitting it in my car and threading the seat belt through the back of the chair is really awkward... oh and clipping the handle in place is difficult too. So all in all not impressed with the car seat. A lot of my fellow mums all seem to have a 'Maxi-Cosi', and they do look cosi too! Although I am not sure of the age they can be used until. The Primo Vaggio can be used until your child is 9kg (approx one and a half stone).

As for the pram - I use it an awful lot and nothing has broken! It is good in the shops as the wheels spin any direction, it is light and looks cool! On the down side the pram seems to dip at the head end (my mum continually complains!). I have checked the manual many times and it is not a construction error on my part. It just dips!?! Also it is not very cushioned so I have to place a blanket under my baby. Another negative it the pram has to be converted to the pushchair to collapse down which is awkward when sticking it in the car.

So if you are considering buying the Pliko Pramette make sure you consider these negatives... by the way a friend of mine bought a Bugaboo and complains about that too so maybe moaning is a mum thing!

Gotta go - screaming child!

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